Emerald Isle Baptist Church
Children’s Sermon for Sunday, February 2, 2025
“Yes, You Can!”
If God tells you to do it, you can do it.
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Do you ever feel like you’re just too young or too small to do something? Can anyone think of a time when you might have said, "I just can’t do it!" (Pause for responses.) We have all said that at one time or another. Maybe you said it when the coach asked you to play a new position for the first time, or while you were trying to do your homework. (Hold up textbook). We’ve all found ourselves feeling defeated, saying, “I just can’t do it.”
Our Bible lesson today is about a man named Jeremiah. One day, God spoke to Jeremiah and said, "Before you were even born, I chose you to be My prophet to all the nations."
Wow, that’s a tall order! Can you imagine being chosen by God to speak His words to all the nations of the world?
Jeremiah answered, "I can't! I'm not a good speaker, and besides, I'm too young."
"Don't say 'I can't,' " the LORD answered Jeremiah. "If I tell you to go and speak to someone, then go! And when I tell you what to say, don't leave out a word!" Then the LORD reached out His hand, and touched Jeremiah's mouth and said, "I am giving you the words to say, and I am sending you with authority to speak to the nations for Me."
God called Jeremiah to a monumental task before he was even born. But He wasn’t going to leave Jeremiah to do it all on his own. God also promised to give Jeremiah all the words he would need to speak.
Just like God had some mighty big plans for Jeremiah, He also has some pretty big plans for you too. He knows your name. He knew you before you were even born and He has a plan for your life.
There will be times in your life when God will come to you, as He did to Jeremiah, and ask you to do something important for Him. He may call you to do something that feels difficult, or maybe even impossible. You may feel like you’re too young, and you might even want to say, “I just can’t do it.” But when that happens, remember what God said to Jeremiah, "Don't say, 'I can't!' " If God calls you to do something, He will reach out His hand and touch your life to give you the ability to do it.
Dear Father, there may be some things in this life that we cannot do on our own. But we know that if You ask us to do something, You will give us the ability to do it if we just trust in You. Amen.
Adult Sunday School Continues
Join us each Sunday morning at 8:45 for “answers in genesis.” This adult series has resumed.please see Mike Whitehead with questions about this class.
EIBC Cookbooks for Sale!
Written by members and friends of Emerald Isle Baptist Church in 2015, our cookbooks are chock full of delicious recipes, and we have lots to share. They make wonderful gifts for the new bride and groom, college students, and birthday gifts for anyone who loves to spend time in the kitchen! ! All proceeds go to local missions: $15 each. Check out a photo of the cookbook below…
“Reflections” Daily Devotional and Sunday School Materials
Pick up your copy of the January through April daily devotional at your convenience in Dorla’s office or the sanctuary vestibule…and take one to a friend!
Winter Bible Studies
Young Women’s Bible Study
All ladies are welcome to come experience a wonderful time of prayer, fellowship, and Bible based study on scriptures and subjects new each week. Please call Toni Higgins at 919-749-5374 for more information or to request childcare.
New Women’s Bible Study
Join the Tuesday morning Bible study group as we begin “Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight” by Jennifer Rothschild on January 14 at 8:30 AM. Member books (with video access) are $22 each. See Dorla Pake for more information. 910-389-3162
Join the Monday evening bible study group as we begin “Joseph: A Man of Integrity and Forgiveness” by Dr. Charles Swindoll on January 13 at 5:30 PM. Please see Chris Harker to join this study. 252-917-1307